Support and resources for stormwater permitting. 

View a list of on-the-ground projects as well as an interactive web map.

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Access detailed geographic data such as topography and floodplains on our GIS web map.

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Find information on the Wetland Conservation Act (WCA) and VLAWMO's water policy.

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Watershed reports for budget, water monitoring, and annual reporting.

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Subscribe to VLAWMO's MS4 email newsletter for workshops, resources, and updates in municipal water management. 

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VLAWMO helps prepare articles, infographics, mailers, and custom maps to assist municipalities in their MS4 permit. (Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System)

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Help promote our stormdrain clean-up and adopt-a-drain programs to support your MS4.

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Sucker and East Vadnais Lake SLMR
A Sustainable Lake Management Report for both Sucker and East Vadnais Lakes.

2021 Water Monitoring Report
Check out the 2021 state of the waters with our annual monitoring report and its snapshot …

Lambert Lake Pond and Meander Conference Recognition
The Lambert Lake Pond and Meander was recognized as a finalist for project of the year.