Community Blue Grant Deadline

Begins: Mar 29th, 2024 at 4:30 pm
Ends: Mar 29th, 2024 at 4:30 pm

Location:   | , Minnesota

VLAWMO's Community Blue grant program uses partnerships to promote watershed stewardship, leadership, and education. Applications are accepted twice each year at VLAWMO's April and October Technical Commission (TEC) meetings.

TEC meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the month and all packet materials for that meeting are released on the first Wednesday of the month. Application deadlines are set to allow for application planning and review with staff on the front end of submission. Contact VLAWMO at (651) 204-6070 for questions or to get started in preparing a draft grant application. 

Community Blue - WBL Water Symposium.jpg

Program description:

Is your community interested in local water but isn't sure where to start? Community Blue is a resource that can help communities gain tools and traction towards learning about and making a difference for local water. Project ideas include: 

  • Hiring actor educators or artist specialists to facilitate activities that relate to local water topics. 
  • Attending or coordinating trainings for educators on water conservation, stormwater, native plants, or other related topics. 
  • Developing educational resources with designers and print services. 
  • Purchasing permission for film screenings and hosting movie nights. 
  • Inviting guest speakers to speak to your group. 
  • Installing signage to support prairie restorations and stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) such as raingardens. 
  • Renovating existing raingardens with fresh plants or mulch. 

Visit the Community Blue page below for guidance documents, applications, and stories from past projects. 

Community Blue Grants


Upcoming events

Wed, Oct 23 2024 - 7:00pm to 8:30pm

Board of Directors meeting at the Vadnais Heights City Hall.

Wed, Nov 13 2024 - 8:00am to 9:30am

Monthly Technical Commission (TEC) meeting at Vadnais Heights City Hall - council chambers.

Wed, Dec 11 2024 - 8:00am to 9:30am

Monthly Technical Commission (TEC) meeting at Vadnais Heights City Hall - council chambers.

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