Chippewa Middle School Raingarden

Quick facts:

 A 1,500 square foot raingarden that captures runoff from a parking lot built in May 2013. Large collaboration project between VLAWMO and the Mounds View School District to work with the 7th grade class at Chippewa Middle School that included raingarden education, students creating planting plans, and taking part in the installation.


VLAWMO provided a grant to Mounds View School District to assist the school district with the project. A dozen partners donated materials and time to implement the project. A grant from the Conservation Corps of Minnesota and Iowa was awarded to provide assistance with the construction and educational portions of the project.

Reason for project:

VLAWMO staff worked with the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) team at Chippewa Middle School to educate their 7th grade students about raingardens and install a raingarden in 2013. In addition to 2 days teaching the middle schoolers during their science classes, an entire day was devoted to the students working in small groups to create planting plans. 14 landscape designers volunteered their time to help with that effort.


Earth Wizards excavated the soil for the raingarden and installed a cub-cut and pre-treatment basin and a Conservation Corps of Minnesota and Iowa prepared the raingarden planting beds. Amended soil and mulch was donated by MN Mulch and Soil and over 400 native plants were donated by 4 plant suppliers.


Project was completed in May 2013 and receives runoff about 3 acres of parking lot surface and grassy areas. The school provides maintenance and continues to use it as an educational tool for the students.

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