The 2016 monioring report is complete. The regular water quality monitoring program includes nutrient sampling on 6 Lambert Creek sites, and nutrient sampling on 12 of the Vadnais Lake Area Watershed lakes. Nutrients and pollutants sampled for data include: total phosphorus, chlorophyll-A, soluble-reactive phosphorus, iron, total nitrogen, nitrate, total suspended solids, and chloride. VLAWMO's specialty monitoring programs, such as E coli and winter chloride sampling, will continue.
It was officially the wettest year on record in Minnesota. Part VLAWMO's water monitoring includes keeping rainfall measurements during the monitoring season.
Lakes are summarized with a grading system called the Trophic State Index (TSI). This system was developed in the 1970's to calculate average phosphorus, chlorophyll-A, and Secchi disk readings, and generate a summarizing number. Certain numbers fall under various classifications. But what do these scientific words mean?
The number from the classification is turned into a letter grade as another way to track changes year to year.
Results are used to guide local water policies and management, as well as future water quality projects such as raingardens and shoreline restorations. Action according to these results is a community effort, and you're invited to be a part of it!
Read the latest on our local lakes here. Stay tuned to our website for summaries highlighting key lakes.