VLAWMO extends its gratitude and appreciation to Technical Commission (TEC) member Bob Larson as he wraps up his time on the TEC. Bob joined the TEC as the appointed representative for the City of North Oaks in 2018 and served as the TEC's financial officer for most of that time.
Prior to being on the TEC, Bob was an active member of VLAWMO's volunteer group, the Watershed Action Volunteers (WAV) and attended many planning meetings and field work days over the years. Bob was also a member of the North Oaks Natural Resource Commission and served as a valuable affiliate that helped connect communities and create synchronicity in our work.
VLAWMO will miss his many one-liner jokes and genuine love of all things teamwork. We wish Bob well in his next chapter!
Bob Larson at the Tamarack Nature Center Teal Pond restoration field day - September 2021.