In the summer of 2021, a series of tea ceremonies brought together dozens of folks who live and work in the watershed. Partnering with ceramics artist Anna Metcalfe, the White Bear Center for the Arts (WBCA) acquired a VLAWMO Community Blue grant in Winter of 2020. The program was postponed due to COVID-19, but was thankfully picked back up for 2021.
Guided by Anna's leadership, each tea ceremony was a curated story telling circle with space for reflection, listening, and laughs. While many of the stories live on in the memory of those who participated, the summary video and guest presentations found below can help welcome you into a water story mindset. The links below were also included at each tea ceremony, providing context and awareness on the story of the watershed itself.
In the busy buzz of life, we were reminded of how refreshing it is to share a simple cup of tea while building a sense of community around the places we love and remember. While the official event has now closed, stories are always available!
If you have a story you'd like to share or would like to continue the spirit of this event, join us online using the hashtags #waterstory, #VLAWMOWaterStory or #UpstreamTea
"The way that the stories have circulated mimics the way that water lives in the people that share community." -Anna Metcalfe
Anna Metcalfe Presentation: Ceramics, Human History, and Water
Upstream Tea: Main Page
Sharon Day Presentation: Anishinaabe Nibi Walks as a Way to Connect to Water and Community
VLAWMO Presentation: Wonderful and Athletic Wetlands
Cost-share Program Info: Build a water story with water-friendly landscaping and financial assistance