A Request for Proposal and Qualifications (RFP) for the Wilkinson Lake BMP Project, North Oaks, MN, is now available (4/28/2022). The RFP covers engineering work to take early conceptual design and advance that through preliminary design, permitting, final design, and construction oversight and inspection. More details, information, and supporting documents are included and/or linked in the RFP. The project is expected to consist of a deep-water wetland restoration with ponding areas. The main project goal is to maximize nutrient-load reductions for water flowing into Wilkinson Lake, which has an established TMDL and is impaired for nutrients. To receive the RFP electronically, send an email to Dawn Tanner at dawn.tanner@vlawmo.org. All proposals are due by 3:00 pm on May 24, 2022.